All-in-one clinical trial platform

Symyoo STRC has developed SYNeRA™ Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS), which has tens of system modules completely integrated in ONE roof.

The adoption of SYNeRA™ CTMS into your study will automate very large portion of your routine tasks and allow you to focus on more critical decision making during the extremely busy clinical development period.


Clinical Trial Management System

  • Regulatory Management
  • Project Management
  • Site Management
  • Medical Safety Management
  • Risk-Based, Remote Monitoring
  • Site Monitoring
  • IRB/IEC Management
  • Network Management
  • Financial Management
  • Imaging Repository
  • Post-Market Safety Surveillance
  • Trial Master File

Electronic Data Capture

  • eCRF Collection
  • Study Design & Progress
  • Scheduling & Reporting
  • Data Management
  • Subject Management
  • Medical Coding

Interactive Web Response System

  • IMP Supply Management
  • Randomization
  • Subject Enrollment
Satisfying All Your Needs in One System,

SYNeRA™ CTMS, coming late 2024, claims to be the first affordable, full package clinical research system made up by all individual modules umbrellaed in one roof. Our flexible, three-tier architectural system design enables fast system implementation and easier system changes, while providing maximum control over the clinical operation.

SYNeRA™ CTMS also allows us to integrate it seamlessly with other external data in your clinical ecosystem. Customized ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process or API (Application Processing Interface) can be provided at your request.

  • Completely integrated, comprehensive information system for Clinical Trial and Research Management
  • Integrated EDC/Data Management as a default setup
  • Integrated IWRS (Interactive Web-based Randomization System) from simple permuted block randomization to co-variate adaptive randomization
  • Integrated IP (Investigational Product) Accountability and Study Material Tracking and Management System
  • Completely integrated system modules, including but not limited to,
    • Project Management
    • Site Management
    • Regulatory Document Management
    • Safety Monitoring
    • Central/ Risk-Based Monitoring
    • Central Adjudication
    • Medical Coding
    • Financial Management
    • Clinical Network Management
    • Dashboard, etc.