News & Events

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  • SYMYOO Supports Korea Diabetes Association (KDA)’s large-scale RRCT, REMATCH
    04 Jan 2024 - As a National Coordination Center, SYMYOO conducts REMATCH study, which is a very large-scale Registry-based Randomized Clinical Trial (RRCT) sponsored by the Korea Diabetes Association (KDA). This REMATCH study aims to define optimal type 2 diabetes management strategies that will improve cardiovascular and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetes mellitus patient population. Over 60 clinical ... SYMYOO Supports Korea Diabetes Association (KDA)’s large-scale RRCT, REMATCH
  • Launch of SYNeRAᵀᴹ Platform DB Engine
    24 Mar 2023 - Smart Trial Research Center (STRC) at SYMYOO launches a new database engine, developed with multi-tier system architecture, meta-data driven and hierarchically structured database design. This SYNeRAᵀᴹ DB engine is optimized considering the systemic structural characteristics that easily reflect various system requirements from simple clinical studies to large-scale, multinational, and multi-center late-stage clinical trials, while enabling ... Launch of SYNeRAᵀᴹ Platform DB Engine
  • Dodlab, an IT Platform Company Launched
    01 Nov 2022 - Symyoo established Dodlab, Inc., to create new innovations and values under the vision ‘Making the Better Place to Live with IT Technologies’. Dodlab will pioneer new areas in the many industrial sectors, including the healthcare arena, and develop into a leading IT technology company with excellence in technology and expertise in order to help their ... Dodlab, an IT Platform Company Launched
  • Global Coordinating Center For Late Phase Covid-19 Trials
    14 Mar 2022 - Symyoo was designated as a global coordinating center to run late phase multinational clinical trials for Covid-19 medication development. The trials are conducted widely across Korea and European countrie. Symyoo understands well that the trial operations should be very specific to the risk and complexity of each region/country where the trials are conducted.
  • SYMYOO America, Inc. Established
    01 Nov 2021 - Established Symyoo America, Inc. in order to provide global trial consulting services for the Korean pharmaceutical, biotechnology and life-science companies wishing to enter the global market.
  • Korea CDISC Coordinating Committee (K3C), CDISC/SDTM Industry Partner
    03 Nov 2019 - Symyoo participated in Korea CDISC Coordinating Committee (K3C) and achieved CDISC/SCDM industry partnership, which is granted to a company having comprehensive data management capability for clinical research.
  • IWRS, RBM Integration Into SYMYOO EDC, SYNeRA™
    05 Mar 2019 - Symyoo EDC system, SYNeRA™, expanded its functionalities by integrating new modules, including IWRS (Interactive Web-based Randomization System), IP Accountability (Investigational Product Tracking and Management System), and RBM (Risk-Based Monitoring System). Symyoo IWRS can handle various randomization algorithms from simple purmuted block randomization to very complex covariate adaptive randomization (biased coin, minimum sufficient).
  • 150+ Trials And 30th Oncology Trial On SYMYOO’s 9th Anniversary
    23 Nov 2018 - Conducted more than 150 clinical studies, including 30 oncology trials over 9 years since its foundation in 2009. Symyoo had been coordinating and collaborating with various
  • Introducing SYMYOO EDC, SYNeRA™
    24 Feb 2016 - Launched Symyoo EDC system, SYNeRA™ for clinical research data collection and management. Symyoo SMART TRIALS research center continues to develop and expand SYNeRA™ functionalities into a web-based Comprehensive Clinical Trial Management System.
  • Partnership With KU Anam Hospital
    12 Oct 2015 - Began research collaboration with Global Clinical Trial Center of Anam Hospital, Korea University Medical Center
  • Korea CRO Association Member
    15 Sep 2014 - Qualified for full membership in Korea Clinical Trial CRO Association.
  • SMART TRIALS Research Center
    21 Jul 2014 - Established SMART TRIALS center to research and faciliate new IT technologies for tomorrow’s medicines. Symyoo reorganized data management and biostatistics team to offer broader data management services.
  • Partnership With Inje Clinical Trial Center
    01 Sep 2013 - Partnership contract with Clinical Trial Center of Baek University Hospital, Inje University
  • First Global Phase III Trial As Coordinating Center
    12 Nov 2012 - Symyoo was designated as the Korea coordinating center to run a multinational phase III clinical trial, which was the first NIH/NINDS study (ATACH 2: Antihypertensive Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage II) operated in South Korea. The sponsor audit was also conducted to evaluate trial conduct and compliance with the protocol and SOPs without finding any ... First Global Phase III Trial As Coordinating Center
  • First Phase III Pivotal Trial
    07 Mar 2010 - Symyoo expanded its business into a full scope CRO and began to operate a first phase III trial for permature ejaculation study.
  • SYMYOO Founded
    23 Nov 2009 - Dongjin Yoo, CEO & MD, founded a CRO to help K-Bio industry’s clinical development after his successful journey as a CEO and medical director of many global pharmaceuticals and bio startups.